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AAEM Statement on Revised Version of AB 3129
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and the AAEM Resident and Student Association notes that AB 3129, a California bill which limits health system consolidation, was recently amended in the Senate. The AAEM strongly supported the original version of AB 3129. The bill, as firs …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
AAEM Letter in Response to the Wall Street Journal’s Article Entitled ‘The Biden ‘Strike Force’ Is Coming for You’
Re: The Biden ‘Strike Force’ Is Coming for You (March 6, 2024) As a practicing Emergency Physician and President of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM), I am disappointed at the immediate and misinformed response from this publication to the announcement that the Federal Trade …
AAEM Letters, EM Workforce
Statement on Scheduling Recommendations During Pregnancy, the Postpartum Period, and Parental Leave
The following statement was created by the AAEM Young Physicians (YPS-AAEM) and Women in Emergency Medicine (WiEM-AAEM) Sections. It was approved by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) Board of Directors on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Background: Emergency physicians work in h …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Coalition Letter
Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Johnson, and Minority Leader Jeffries:On behalf of the 54 organizations representing physicians and other health care providers across the United States, we write to urge Congress to stop the 3.4% cut in Medicare physician payment tha …
EM Workforce, Joint Letters, Medicare/Medicaid
Statement in Response to the FTC Suing Private Equity Backed Anesthesia Staffing Firm
On September 21, 2023, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that they filled suit against private-equity backed, physician-staffing company U.S. Anesthesia Partners, Inc. (USAP) in Texas. The FTC’s complaint alleges that USAP and Welsh Carson’s “multi-year anticompetitive scheme to …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
AAEM Letter in Support of the FTC Proposed Rule to Ban Noncompete Clauses
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) fully supports the Federal Trade Committee’s (FTC) proposed rule to ban noncompete clauses and appreciates the opportunity to comment. AAEM is the specialty society for board-certified emergency physicians, representing over 8,000 members across t …
AAEM Letters, EM Workforce
AAEM Statement on the Corporate Practice of Medicine
The prohibition on the corporate practice of medicine is intended to prevent non-physicians from interfering with or influencing the physician’s professional judgment*. The intent is to keep the business interest out of the patient-physician relationship. In Emergency Medicine the need for these co …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Letter to Wellstar Health System CEO: Not Enforcing Non-Compete Clause in Contracts as they Prepare to Close
Dear Ms. Saunders,On behalf of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM), we write in support of Senator Warnock’s letter to encourage you to remove the non-compete clauses within physician contracts due to the closing of Wellstar Health System. AAEM is the specialty society of board-c …
EM Workforce, Public Policy Statements
Transparency of Billing for Emergency Care
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) believes that emergency department (ED) physicians should have timely and unencumbered access to services collected in their name. The code of federal regulations (CFR) §424.80 mandates that, in such circumstances when a physician assigns the respo …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Statement from the EMSS-AAEM Council in response to the National Registry of EMT Eligibility Requirements
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine Emergency Medical Services Section (EMSS-AAEM) strongly opposes the proposed changes to the current National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) accreditation requirements. The current proposal, as written, would allow state agencies to determine eligibility criteria …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Joint Statement Against Criminalization of Medical Errors
Like all members of the medical community, we at the American College of Medical Toxicology, American Academy of Emergency Medicine, and American Academy of Clinical Toxicology were saddened to learn of the tragic death of a patient in Tennessee due to a medical error. A nurse at Vanderbilt Univers …
EM Workforce, Healthcare Delivery, Joint Statements
AAEM and Take EM Back on the termination of Kristin Carmody, MD MHPE
Take Medicine Back and AAEM are aware that Kristin Carmody, M.D. has filed a complaint for wrongful termination by NYU. While the substance of the accusations will be determined via the legal process, we are deeply concerned that Dr. Carmody may not have been afforded due process in this matter. Du …
EM Workforce, Joint Statements
Joint Letter to US Department of Veterans Affairs Supremacy Project
Dear Secretary McDonough:The undersigned physician organizations have recently learned of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Supremacy Project. We are writing to express our serious concerns with the VA’s efforts to develop National Standards of Practice for physicians and other health profe …
EM Workforce, Joint Letters, Public Policy Statements
The EM Workforce
Our specialty has been working for decades to meet the growing emergency medicine needs of our country. The recent research is critical to identifying and understanding the challenges we face about the future workforce for both academic and community emergency physicians. Market consolidation, f …
EM Workforce, Joint Statements
Joint Statement on the EM Workforce
Our specialty has been working for decades to meet the growing emergency medicine needs of our country. Therecent research is critical to identifying and understanding the challenges we face about the future workforce for bothacademic and community emergency physicians. Market consolidation, fra …
EM Workforce, Joint Statements
Raising Emergency Medicine Residency Standards
Introduction AAEM has received much feedback from our members regarding concerns that the rapid proliferation in the number of emergency medicine resident positions, and increased utilization of non-physician practitioners at emergency department training sites has negatively impacted the qualit …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
AAEM Position Statement on the State of Emergency Medicine
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) is gratified that the House of Emergency Medicine is discussing the workforce issue in our specialty. On Friday morning, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) hosted a virtual meeting, “EM Physician Workforce of the Future,” in w …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Joint Letter to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Re: RIN 2900–AQ94—Authority of VA Professionals to Practice Health Care AAEM signed on to a joint statement via email to to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs opposing the Interim Final Rule (IFR) NPPs are an integral part of physician-led health care teams. However, NPP …
EM Workforce, Joint Letters
Joint Letter to President-Elect Biden regarding FTC Action on Non-Compete Clauses
Dear President-elect Biden, Due to the fiscal and public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of workers remain unemployed and workers who have jobs face increasing precarity and coercive practices in the labor market. Employers’ use of non-compete clauses is an example of a …
EM Workforce, Joint Letters
AAEM Position Statement on the Term “Provider”
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) recognizes and advocates for the patient’s right to know the credentials of all clinicians being trusted with his/her well-being. Studies repeatedly show that patients in the US healthcare system want to know these credentials and are confused whe …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Post-Graduate Training of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
The undersigned representatives of Emergency Medicine physicians are unified in their support of physician-led patient care and training. Although all who provide care in the Emergency Department setting must be appropriately trained, education of emergency medicine resident physicians and medical …
EM Workforce, Joint Statements
Joint Letter to Veterans Health Administration on CRNA Oversight
Dear Dr. Stone:The undersigned medical associations and medical specialty societies are writing to register serious concerns with the Health Care Professional Practice in VA Memorandum (Memorandum) issued by the Office of the Under Secretary of Health on April 21, 2020, and underlying Directive 189 …
EM Workforce, Joint Letters, Public Policy Statements
AAEM Position Statement on the Firing of Dr. Ming Lin by TeamHealth and PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center
According to public statements, TeamHealth and PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center have terminated Dr. Ming Lin. If this is so, AAEM condemns TeamHealth and PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center for terminating Dr. Ming Lin an emergency physician who went public with his concerns over the safety …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Federal Trade Commission: Non-Competes in The Workplace: Examining Antitrust and Consumer Protection Issues
Dear Chairman Simons:This letter is sent in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) January 9, 2020 workshop concerning Non-Competes in the Workplace. The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) welcomes any relief the FTC may bring to the unfair use of non-compete clauses in the e …
EM Workforce, Public Policy Statements
AAEM and AAEM/RSA Position Statement on Emergency Medicine Training Programs for Non-Physician Practitioners
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and the AAEM Resident and Student Association (AAEM/RSA) are aware that academic and other emergency departments sponsor additional training for non-physician practitioners (NPP), including physician assistants (PA) and nurse practitioners (NP). We …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Statement on the Edward-Elmhurst Health Firing of Physicians and Replacement with Non-Physician Providers
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine is expressing it concerns over the recent firing of 15 physicians from the urgent care centers operated by Edward-Elmhurst Health in Chicago. The Academy represents board-certified emergency physicians, some of whom practice in urgent care settings, and mos …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Position Statement on the Role of Freestanding Emergency Centers in Natural Disaster
The role of the freestanding emergency department is to serve the community and to provide surge protection in the event of a natural disaster. That being said, the freestanding emergency center should only stay open IF POSSIBLE. This decision should be made based on a predetermined disaster plan wh …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
AAEM Position Statement on the Emergency Medicine Workforce
AAEM is concerned with the rapid growth in the emergency medicine workforce, fueled by the accelerating growth in emergency medicine residencies, as well as the increasing number of advanced practice providers. AAEM notes that the historic emergency physician shortage is rapidly resolving, and …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Updated Position Statement on Non-Physician Practitioners
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) believes that emergency department (ED) patients should have timely and unencumbered access to the most appropriate care led by a board certified emergency physician (ABEM or AOBEM). AAEM and AAEM/RSA oppose the expansion of scope of practice regulat …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
Position Statement on Emergency Physician-to-Patient ED Staffing Ratios
Whereas the volume of ED visits continues to rise and now exceeds 100 million in the United States annually; and Whereas the scope of Emergency Medicine requires a high intensity of service for many conditions, especially during the first hour of treatment; and Whereas emergency medicine involves …
EM Workforce, Position Statements
FSMB Consensus Proposal
I. FSMB recommends "3. All applicants for licensure should have satisfactorily completed a minimum of three years of postgraduate training in an ACGME- or AOA-approved postgraduate training program, including completion of PGY3 level training prior to full and unrestricted licensure." Wit …
EM Workforce, Other
Position Statement on Emergency Nurse-to-Patient ED Staffing Ratios
Whereas the volume of ED visits continues to rise and now exceeds 100 million in the United States annually; and Whereas the scope of Emergency Medicine requires a high intensity of service for many conditions, especially during the first hour of treatment; and Whereas emergency nursing involves p …
EM Workforce, Position Statements