Raising Emergency Medicine Residency Standards


AAEM has received much feedback from our members regarding concerns that the rapid proliferation in the number of emergency medicine resident positions, and increased utilization of non-physician practitioners at emergency department training sites has negatively impacted the quality of emergency medicine resident education. 

Position Statement

AAEM suggests the ACGME Emergency Medicine Residency Review Committee take action to raise emergency medicine training and quality standards by setting a minimum number of patients at the primary site emergency department per resident and setting a maximum percentage of emergency department patients seen by non-physician practitioners (NPPs). Specifically, AAEM advocates for the implementation of a standard of one resident per 3,600 patient volume at the primary residency training site and a maximum of 25% of patients seen by NPPs. Residency programs will be able to devote more resources to each resident and faculty/resident ratios would improve. Emergency medicine residents would benefit from exposure to more emergency patients, resuscitations, and procedures, and would have increased faculty access and supervision. Expected shortages in other medical specialties can be addressed by reallocating excess emergency medicine resident positions.

AAEM/RSA has also signed on to this statement.

Approved: 6/23/2021

Updated: 7/7/2021