Joint Letter to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs

Re: RIN 2900–AQ94—Authority of VA Professionals to Practice Health Care

AAEM signed on to a joint statement via email to to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs opposing the Interim Final Rule (IFR)

NPPs are an integral part of physician-led health care teams. However, NPPs cannot substitute for physicians especially when it comes to diagnosing complex medical conditions, developing comprehensive treatment plans, ensuring that procedures are properly performed, and managing highly involved and complicated patient cases. Nowhere is this more important than at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which delivers multifaceted medical care to veterans, including those with traumatic brain injuries and other serious medical and mental health issues. As such, our nation’s veterans deserve high quality health care that is overseen by physicians. For the reasons below, the undersigned organizations strongly oppose the Interim Final Rule (IFR) and urge the VA to rescind the IFR and consider policy alternatives that prioritize physician led team-based care.

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