Shape the Future of AAEM — Cast Your Vote!
AAEM Section elections are democratic – YOU nominate and elect your leaders!
Voting is now open for the 2025-26 Council term. Before voting, please take a minute to read through each of the Candidate Statements and review the Section Leadership Criteria.
Full-voting members (with paid-through dates of 12/31/2025 or beyond) are eligible to vote for the Chair-Elect and Secretary/Finance Chair. Associate and full-voting members can vote for Councilors. Only Residents and Students can vote for their Representative(s). Members must be paid through 6/30/2025 (AAEM/RSA) or 12/31/2025 (AAEM) to have their ballot counted. If you have not yet renewed for 2025, renew today as an AAEM member or AAEM/RSA member.
Cast Your VoteVoting Closes: March 17, 2025, at 11:59pm CT
Section leadership terms are for one-year (April-April). Councilors are eligible to run for up to two consecutive terms in the same role.
The Chair-Elect is elected by the full-voting section members for a one-year term. The Chair-Elect is responsible for:
- Running and attending quarterly Section Council and Membership meetings in the absence of the Chair
- Assisting with managing the Section
- Promoting the AAEM mission by increasing Section membership through recruiting new members
- Leading the nomination process to recruit nominations for succession planning
- Developing valuable engaging member benefits for attendees
- Attend the bimonthly Section Leadership Committee meeting
- Must be a full-voting AAEM member in good standing
- Upon completion of the term, the Chair-Elect ascends to the role of Section Chair
The Secretary/Finance Chair is responsible for:
- Reporting on and overseeing the finances and membership of the Section
- Attending quarterly Section Council and Membership meetings
- Posting a short summary following Council meetings highlighting action, invitation, and engagement items for members on MyAAEM and/or monthly newsletter
- Engaging Section members through developing valuable member benefits and communicating with members via MyAAEM, email, social media and other resources
- Must be an AAEM member in good standing
The number of Councilors are defined by the bylaws. Councilors are responsible for:
- Attending quarterly Section Council meetings (minimum 75% of meetings)
- Serving as a workgroup lead for one or more activities/initiatives and/or events
- Completing objectives by accepting task assignments and meeting deadlines
- Participating in discussion and offering ideas and leadership for future activities
- Must be an AAEM member in good standing
The number of Resident/Student Representatives are defined in the bylaws. Resident/Student Representative(s) are responsible for:
- Attending quarterly Section Council and Membership meetings
- Assisting with organizing webinars, networking, and mentorship opportunities to recruit, engage, and sustain students and residents in the Section
- Providing regular summaries and report-outs to the AAEM/RSA Board of Directors
- Must be an AAEM/RSA member in good standing.
For EMSS-AAEM, the representative is nominated and elected by membership.
Meet the Candidates

Candidate for Chair-Elect
Self Nomination
I have had the privilege of serving in the EMS Section as either member, secretary/finance chair, or councilor-at-large since 2020. Over that time, our group has grown in numbers, engagement within the section, and outreach to AAEM at large. I hope to build upon the initiatives that have been gaining ground, such as our webinar hosting, Common Sense authorship, and interdisciplinary endeavors between our section and other AAEM groups. I also believe we are well-positioned to weigh in on–and initiate–conversations regarding advocacy concerns, position statements, and new paradigms within the field of prehospital and enroute care, and hope to expand our impact as a resource group of subject matter experts. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve this organization.

Stephanie Marrero Borrero, MD FAAEM
Candidate for Secretary/Finance Chair
Self Nomination
I am honored to nominate myself for a second term as Secretary/Finance Chair on the Emergency Medical Services Section of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (EMSS-AAEM) Council. As an EMS Physician and Emergency Medicine specialist, I am committed to advancing the mission of EMSS-AAEM and advocating for the continued growth of our field. If elected, I will focus on Promoting policies that enhance the role of EMS physicians and ensure the highest standards of patient care. I want to continue with the expansion of opportunities for professional growth through mentorship, workshops, and innovative training strategies. Lastly, I would continue to foster relationships between EMS providers, emergency physicians, sections from our organization, and national organizations to drive meaningful advancements in EMS. I am eager to contribute my leadership and passion to EMSS-AAEM and work alongside like-minded colleagues to shape the future of EMS. Thank you for your consideration and support.
Stephanie Marrero Borrero, MD FAAEM

Candidate for Councilor
Self Nomination
I am Scott Goldstein, Chief of EMS/Disaster Medicine at Temple University and current counselor within the EMS subgroup. I am hoping to continue my responsibilities as a councilor. I have taken on the task of setting up the ongoing webinar series. I have enjoyed working with so many different physicians from across the geographic spectrum and getting different perspectives on how various EMS issues are managed. This has allowed me to engage with physicians I would otherwise not had the pleasure of interacting with and discussing what affects EMS and how to overcome these challenges. The webinar series had hit on some hard topics like EMTALA in EMS and community paramedicine, and I hope to continue these informative and interactive educational tools.

Ryan Davalos
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
My passion for emergency medicine and prehospital care stems from my experience as a firefighter, EMT and Field Training Officer. Having had boots on the ground, I have faced the good, and the ugly of the EMS system. As I continued through my career, I realized that I not only wanted to make a difference to patients, but to the providers that seemingly put their lives on the line for their communities. I not only responded to emergencies, but advocated for my colleagues. I engaged with county commissioners and contributed to union contract negotiations to secure funding for our department. I felt as if the EMS system was flawed and I wanted to help change that. I knew that I wanted to transition into a higher role and extend my efforts as a physician leader. This sparked my decision to pursue medical school and solidified my aspiration to become an EMS physician.
Advocacy is a big reason behind my passion for medicine. I want to further emphasize its importance through this role. Many students may not fully realize the critical role EMS physicians play in developing protocols, patient care systems, and advocating for policies. By highlighting these aspects, I hope to not only educate but also empower the RSA to become leaders and advocates in the field of EMS. In my role, I want to create mentorship programs that connect students with EMS physicians who can provide guidance on residency choices, career development, and leadership. My goal is to inspire excitement for the specialty and help students recognize their potential to shape the future of prehospital and emergency medicine and I did it for myself.

Cole Ettingoff, MPH
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
EMS is critical to every aspect of emergency medicine yet poorly understood by most medical students and even many EM residents. It is an exciting time in this field, and I hope that by working to increase understanding of EMS among trainees, I can help build the next generation of EMS physicians. Specifically, I’d like to explore:
- Establishing an annual EMS from a Physician’s Perspective webinar in collaboration with RSA
- Developing some simple resources like a primer on EMS aimed at students starting them EM clerkship or examples of EMS patient care for use in training simulations
- Expand access to the soon to be revitalized EMS Fellows Grand Rounds to residents and students.
I also think now is the time to discuss best practices for including students and residents, both in EM programs and beyond, in EMS research and practical experiences such as disaster drills. Finally, the rapid growth of a broad range of programs under the umbrella of mobile integrated health necessitates further discussion on how we can ensure these programs receive the EMS physician guidance they need.
I have a background in EMS and public health before medical school and went to med school with the goal of being an EMS physician and a particular interest in MIH and EMS research. I have been active in several roles in NAEMSP and SAEM since I started medical school and have presented at both conferences. This past summer, I led the Symposium on Responding to Behavioral Health Emergencies which brought together nearly 1,500 leaders and am in the process of planning a similar event this upcoming summer focused on treatment in place.

Noah Goldstein
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Nominated by Samuel (Rob) Hornberger
I, Samuel Hornberger, am nominating Noah Goldstein for the AAEM/RSA EMS Section Representative position. I believe that Noah is the right fit for this position because of his eight-year career in EMS. Noah’s experience spans volunteer 911 response, paid hospital-based EMS, specialty care transport (SCTU), and municipal 911 EMS. Despite the demands of medical school, Noah continues to work as an EMT, exemplifying his unwavering dedication to prehospital care.
Having worked alongside Noah, I can personally attest to his exceptional skills and deep knowledge of prehospital medicine. He possesses a nuanced understanding of the challenges facing America’s public safety systems and consistently demonstrates a commitment to bettering the profession. Noah is a firm believer that EMS fulfills a crucial role that bridges the public safety and healthcare systems. Understanding this intersectionality is key to understanding the challenges facing the nation’s EMS system.
Noah is also a proven leader. As Co-President of Rowan-Virtua SOM’s ACOEP Chapter, one of the largest and most active interest groups on campus, he has successfully organized educational events, mentored peers, and fostered a vibrant community of future emergency physicians. His leadership, combined with his extensive EMS background, positions him as an ideal candidate to represent the needs and perspectives of EMS professionals within AAEM.
I am confident that Noah’s dedication, expertise, and advocacy will make him an outstanding EMS Representative, bringing invaluable insights and strengthening the bond between prehospital and emergency medicine.
I am honored to be nominated for AAEM/RSA EMS Section Representative. I’m a second-year medical student at Rowan-Virtua SOM and Co-President of the Emergency Medicine Interest Group. My journey in EMS over the past nine years has given me a deep appreciation for the challenges and responsibilities of prehospital care. I have worked in various settings, including volunteer and professional 911 agencies, as well as hospital-based EMS and Critical Care Transport. Even while navigating medical school, I still work night shifts for a municipal department. My time in EMS has shaped my understanding of the field’s complexities and the vital role it plays at the intersection of public safety and healthcare. I am eager to advocate for solutions that will bridge the gap between the ambulance and the emergency department.
EMS faces deep-rooted structural challenges that make it uniquely complex within the healthcare system. Unlike hospitals, which operate under well-established funding models, EMS agencies often rely on a patchwork of municipal and state funding, private billing, and reimbursement structures that vary widely by region. Many EMS services struggle with inconsistent revenue collection due to low reimbursement rates from insurers. Additionally, the lack of standardized regulation across states leads to disparities in training requirements, scope of practice, and overall system efficiency. These financial and regulatory hurdles place significant strain on EMS agencies, making it difficult to retain personnel, upgrade equipment, and ensure timely response to emergencies. Addressing these challenges requires a coordinated effort between policymakers, healthcare organizations, physicians, and EMS professionals to create solutions that support both providers and patients.
If given the opportunity to serve, I will work diligently to represent the voices of EMS professionals and contribute to strengthening the connection between prehospital and emergency medicine. I appreciate your consideration and the chance to support this important mission.

Samuel ‘Rob’ Hornberger
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
I am honored to seek re-election as the RSA Representative for the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). Having had the privilege of serving in this role, I have gained invaluable insight into the needs of our residents and students, and I remain deeply committed to advocating for their professional development and representation within AAEM.
During my tenure, I have worked diligently to bridge the gap between emergency medicine residents, students, and the broader AAEM community. A key focus of my efforts has been the Emergency Medicine Services (EMS) Resident and Student Mentorship Program. This initiative is designed to provide critical guidance, foster meaningful connections, and prepare the next generation of emergency medicine leaders. While progress has been made, I am eager to see this program through to full implementation and long-term success.
As RSA Representative, I will continue to prioritize initiatives that empower residents and students, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs addressed within AAEM. I am dedicated to fostering collaboration, supporting innovative educational opportunities, and maintaining the highest standards of excellence in our field.
I believe my experience, passion, and commitment uniquely position me to continue serving in this capacity. Together, we can build on the foundation we have established and ensure a bright future for our specialty.
Thank you for considering my nomination. I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving our community.

Reena Sheth
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
I am eager to serve as the EMS Section AAEM/RSA representative for the upcoming year, driven by my deep passion for EMS and my strong background in this area of emergency medicine. Before medical school, I worked as an EMT for two years (2020-2022), which was my first introduction to the emergency medical field. I immediately fell in love with pre-hospital medicine, and that passion has continued to fuel my motivation throughout medical school. As the EMS representative, I would strive to be a dedicated leader within AAEM, working to sustain and recruit new members to this vital section. I am highly organized and detail-oriented, committed to fulfilling my responsibilities by attending quarterly section council and membership meetings, and providing comprehensive reports to the board of directors. Additionally, I aim to help organize events that will provide students and residents with valuable insight into a career as an emergency medicine physician working in EMS. Specifically, I envision organizing seminars with physicians who have completed an EMS fellowship, as well as promoting mentor partnerships to better connect students and residents with attendings.
Furthermore, I believe it would be beneficial for this section to create a comprehensive spreadsheet detailing available EMS fellowships, along with key program details and firsthand opinions from current fellows. This would provide students and residents with an organized way to explore fellowship opportunities and make more informed decisions about their future careers. Ultimately, my goal is to help pave the way for those interested in EMS by highlighting the unique opportunities and challenges this field offers within emergency medicine.

Elaine Thompson
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
I am excited to apply for the position of RSA Representative on the AAEM EMS Section Council. With over a decade of experience as an EMT-Basic, both in volunteer and paid roles, I am deeply invested in advancing prehospital care and supporting EMS professionals.
As a trainee in New York State’s original Narcan pilot program, I saw the transformative impact of innovative interventions. This sparked my commitment to promoting evidence-based practices and enhancing provider education. My journey as a medical student pursuing emergency medicine has further deepened my understanding of the critical relationship between prehospital providers and emergency departments.
I bring strong leadership and communication skills, honed through years of diverse roles in healthcare and beyond. I am eager to contribute by leading workgroups, collaborating on initiatives, and meeting deadlines to support AAEM’s mission.
If elected, I will work diligently to advocate for stronger collaboration between EMS providers and physicians, recognizing the need for a dedicated liaison to effectively integrate provider perspectives and drive meaningful improvements in prehospital care. I would be honored to help shape initiatives that improve prehospital care and provider support.
Question or concerns? Please contact the AAEM office for more information at (800) 884-2236 or via email.