Due Process
Due Process White Paper
AAEM WHITE PAPER ON DUE PROCESS RIGHTS FOR PHYSICIANS J Emerg Med 2007; 33:439-440 Larry D. Weiss, MD, JD, FAAEM Professor of Emergency Medicine University of Maryland School of Medicine Approved with revisions by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine Board of Directors, May 15, 2007 INTRODUCTION The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (hereinafter AAEM) […] -
AAEM Position Statement on Due Process Reaffirmed
An emergency physician is entitled to Due Process upon unilateral termination by his or her employer (or contracting entity) or upon any other adverse action that otherwise affects his or her job security. Due Process assumes that the following are property rights of an emergency physician, fundamental to quality patient care and the pursuit of […] -
Position Statement on Due Process
An emergency physician is entitled to due process upon unilateral termination by his or her employer (or contracting entity) or upon any other adverse action that otherwise affects his or her job security. Due process assumes that the following are property rights of an emergency physician, fundamental to quality patient care and the pursuit of […]