What is the Role of Thrombolysis in Intermediate Risk Pulmonary Embolism? with references

Reviewed and approved by the AAEM Board of Directors (11/28/2018)

Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a leading cause of cardiovascular mortality1 resulting in an estimated 150,000 deaths annually2 in the United States. With a 3-month mortality rate of 9-15%,3,4 PE presents an important clinical problem. Until recently, there has been little change in the treatment options for PE, with guideline recommendations of anticoagulation only in all but the most critically ill presentations.5,6 Newer catheter-directed therapies, most notably catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT), present another treatment option purported to improve safety and efficacy. Published evidence in the currently available literature is weak and the conclusions do not seem to be justified.

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