Great Lakes Chapter Division

GLAAEM is dedicated to promoting the academic growth of medical students and residents in the Great Lakes region by collaborating on educational conferences and scientific publications. We advocate for the rights of emergency physicians across the Midwest, provide support on medicolegal and healthcare policy matters, and strive to raise awareness of AAEM’s mission and values. Our goal is to foster greater involvement in our society and its initiatives.


The Great Lakes Chapter Division of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine is an advocacy group that shares in the values and missions of AAEM. In addition to the core principles that every individual should have access to emergency care by a board-certified emergency physician, fair and equitable practice environments for emergency physicians, and support for residency programs and graduate medical education, our chapter division is committed to:

  • Advancing scholarship of medical students and residents in the Great Lakes region through partnership with educational meetings and scientific publications.
  • Advocating for safe and fair practice rights for emergency physicians and democratic independent practice groups throughout the Midwest.
  • Sharing and advocating for medicolegal and health care policy issues with members in Great Lakes region.
  • Improving awareness and understanding of the overarching AAEM missions and values and encouraging Midwestern medical student, resident, and staff physician participation in the society.

Brady McIntosh, MD FAAEM

Immediate Past President
Sudhir Baliga, MD FAAEM

Vice President
William Boston, MD FAAEM

Bob Zemple, MD MBA FAAEM

WI State Representative
Jon Rubin, MD FAAEM

OH State Representative
Eric Brader, MD FAAEM

MI State Representative
Larisa Traill, MD FAAEM

IA State Representative
Olivia Bailey, MD FAAEM

IN State Representative
Courtney Soley, MD FAAEM

Resident Representatives
Allyson Peterson, MD
Michael McGary, MD

Board Liaison

Staff Liaison
Elizabeth Mueller


Submit Nominations for Your Future Leaders

The AAEM Chapter Division Elections are a testament to AAEM’s democratic values, empowering YOU to choose YOUR leaders—especially at the local level! We are calling on chapter division members to actively participate.

Nominate Today
Membership Information

If you are already a member of AAEM or AAEM/RSA:

If you are not a current AAEM or AAEM/RSA Member:


  • Full Voting ($40)
  • Associate ($40)
    • Fellows-in-Training ($40)
  • Resident (Free)
  • Medical Student (Free)

Chapter division memberships run on a calendar year and must be renewed annually.



  • Six WestJEM full-text electronic issues, four CPC-EM full-text electronic issues, and access to special issues throughout the year
  • 20% discount on article processing fees if you are listed as a first or last author and manuscript is accepted
  • Access to WestJEM’s online Academic Job Board
  • How to Access WestJEM

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