The California Chapter Division of AAEM (CAL/AAEM) advocates for emergency physicians and their patients throughout the state. CAL/AAEM believes in the right of every patient to access the best emergency care available and works to protect the patients of California from the degradation of care that follows in the wake of the corporate practice of medicine.
The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WestJEM)

More About CAL/AAEM:
The California Chapter Division of AAEM (CAL/AAEM) advocates for the values of AAEM at the state level for its California members. Read its bylaws to learn more.
Faith Quenzer, DO MPH FAAEM
Vice President
Danielle E. Goodrich, MD FAAEM
Shahram Lotfipour, MD MPH FAAEM
Immediate Past President
Jesse Borke, MD CPE FAAEM
At-Large Directors
Victor M. Cisneros, MD MPH CPH FAAEM
Jennifer Kanapicki Comer, MD FAAEM
Jessica Muñoz, MD
Daniel Nelson, MD FAAEM
Associate Representative
Carl Preiksaitis, MD
Resident Representative
Kevin Cabrera, DO, MS
Nicole McAmis, MD
Medical Student Representative
Patrick Bryan
Board Liaison
Haig Aintablian, MD FAAEM
Staff Liaison
Lindsay Cox
*Interested in filling an open position? Please contact AAEM for more information.
If you are already a member of AAEM or AAEM/RSA:
- AAEM Members: Add a CAL/AAEM Membership
- AAEM/RSA Members. Add a CAL/AAEM Membership
If you are not a current AAEM or AAEM/RSA Member:
- Email us or call (800) 884-2236 to join CAL/AAEM today.
- You can also add a CAL/AAEM Membership online when you become an AAEM member or AAEM/RSA member!
- Full Voting ($125)
- Associate ($75)
- Fellows-in-Training ($75)
- Resident (Free)
- Medical Student (Free)
Chapter division memberships run on a calendar year and must be renewed annually.
- Six WestJEM full-text electronic issues, four CPC-EM full-text electronic issues, and access to special issues throughout the year
- 20% discount on article processing fees if you are listed as a first or last author and manuscript is accepted
- Access to WestJEM’s online Academic Job Board
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