The Great Plains Regional Chapter Division of AAEM (GPAAEM) advocates for the rights of emergency physicians across the region and strives to raise awareness of AAEM’s mission and values.
The Great Plains Chapter of AAEM (GPAAEM) is constituted and formed for the purpose of promoting the integrity of the practice and management of emergency medicine in all clinical and administrative settings.
GPAAEM is also committed to the following principles:
- Supports and promotes emergency medicine in all practice environments. These environments include both urban and rural settings given the demographics of our member states. In addition, GPAAEM promotes the practice of emergency medicine community hospitals as well as tertiary medical centers.
- Promotes fair and equitable practice environments. Without fair environments, specialists cannot deliver the highest quality of patient care. Fair practice environments incorporate employment agreements with due process provisions, fairness in scheduling, just compensation, and the absence of restrictive covenants.
- The personal and professional welfare of the individual specialist in emergency medicine is a primary concern to GPAAEM.
- Seeks to promote emergency medicine and advance the interests of GPAAEM members through effective advocacy at the local and state levels.
- Supports the growth and sustainability of emergency medicine residency programs and general medical education. These programs are essential to the continued enrichment and evolution of emergency medicine, and to the delivery of high quality care to our patients.
Jesse Tran, DO FAAEM
Vice President
Jennifer A. Cooper-Lewis, DO FAAEM
Howard Chang, MD FAAEM
At-Large Directors
Allison Zanaboni, MD FAAEM
Heath Spencer, DO
Johnathon K. Lowe, DO FAAEM
John Carlson, DO
Trevor S. Mattox, MD FAAEM
Board Liaison
Staff Liaison
Elizabeth Mueller
If you are already a member of AAEM or AAEM/RSA:
- AAEM Members: Add a GPAAEM Membership
- AAEM/RSA Members. Add a GPAAEM Membership
If you are not a current AAEM or AAEM/RSA Member:
- Email us or call (800) 884-2236 to join GPAAEM today.
- You can also add a GPAAEM Membership online when you become an AAEM member or AAEM/RSA member!
- Full Voting ($50)
- Associate ($25)
- Resident (Free)
- Medical Student (Free)
Chapter division memberships run on a calendar year and must be renewed annually.
There are no upcoming events.