Small Group Clinic

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Esophageal Variceal Tamponade Balloon (Blakemore) and Pigtail Chest Tube Workshop

4:00pm – 4:45pm

Session Description: This workshop will teach the indications, tools and technique required for successful placement of a Blakemore tube and Seldinger type chest tubes. Pearls and pitfalls will be reviewed. Attendees will be able to practice the procedure using actual equipment and a simple task trainer.

Cricothyrotomy and Needle Cricothyrotomy Made Easy

5:00pm – 5:45pm

Session Description: Using 3D printed adult and pediatric size larynx, this session will assist with developing the steps, process, and muscle memory to perform both a surgical cricothyrotomy, as well as a quick approach to placement of a needle cric for pediatric patients.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Ultrasound-Guided Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks

10:10am – 10:55am

Session Description: Want to master pain control in the ED? Check out this interactive, hands-on session focused on ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. You will learn how to perform ultrasound-guided blocks of the radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerve, brachial plexus, and more!

Ultrasound-Guided Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks

11:10am – 11:55am

Session Description: Want to master pain control in the ED? Check out this interactive, hands-on session focused on ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. You will learn how to perform ultrasound-guided blocks of the fascia iliaca, sciatic nerve, femoral nerve, posterior tibial nerve, and more!

Advanced US-Guided Procedures – LP, Intubations, Cric, Subclavian, and More!

4:10pm – 5:00pm

Session Description: Never miss another LP! Be prepared to Cric that difficult airway! Difficult chest tube – not anymore! Check out this interactive, hands-on session focused on ultrasound-guided procedures. You will learn how to perform ultrasound-guided LPs, cricothyroidotomies, intubation confirmation, chest tubes, subclavian lines, and more!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

AAEM/RSA Workshop: Choose Your Own Ultrasound Adventure

8:55am – 9:45am

Session Description: A novel take on ultrasound workshops, instead of the workshop leadership choosing the content, content will be driven by the participants. During this course, residents will rotate at their leisure between multiple stations. Stations will include Basic/advanced cardiac, abdomen, vascular access/procedural guidance, nerve blocks and potpourri. When it’s the participant’s turn to hold the transducer, the participant will decide what they would like to learn. The participant will receive guidance and targeted feedback from the faculty. This format will serve the participant who can decide what to learn without being constrained to a single topic. This workshop is available for residents only.

Vents 101

10:15am – 11:00am

Session Description: Ever wonder if that red light alarm was actually important? Or maybe the yellow light alarm? And the beeping? This session goes beyond “standard settings please” to explain each of the settings options, what they do, and when they are indicated and contraindicated. The session goes briefly over some of the more concerning alarms as well, and will conclude with troubleshooting vents with hands-on diagnostics and solutions. It is critical for the emergency physician to be able to address ventilator issues directly, and this is a refresher foundational course.

Vents 401

11:15am – 12:00pm

Session Description: Go beyond ventilator basics and take on challenging ventilator cases with real vents and diagnostics. COPD, Asthma, Refractory ARDS and Hypoxemia… This session will take management of these conditions beyond the classroom into a simulated setting with real ventilators and EM intensivists at bedside making responses to your maneuvers as realistic as possible. A low-fidelity simulation will be provided. If the management is not correct, we’ll take the case to the end and let you try again to perfect your management of these difficult cases. This is the safe place to make mistakes so your decisions are spot-on when it matters.

The Awake Fiberoptic Intubation

2:45pm – 3:30pm

Session Description: Fiberoptic intubation is a frequently-discussed procedure, but is infrequently-performed and even more rarely practiced in controlled situations. We will provide a hands-on experience on how to properly select patients for a fiberoptic approach, preparing the patient, and how to intubate. We will also discuss how to troubleshoot and alternative techniques such as nasotracheal approaches and hybrid techniques. These will be conducted on high-fidelity manikins to provide a low-stress environment to gain experience with this procedure.

Complicated Vaginal Delivery Workshop

3:45pm – 4:30pm

Session Description: As if delivering a baby in the Emergency Department isn’t challenging enough, imagine doing so complicated by shoulder dystocia or breech presentation. Significant morbidity and mortality can occur if delivery is not performed correctly and efficiently, Don’t worry… after this small group, hands-on workshop you will have learned simple and effective techniques to manage these two stress-inducing complications of delivery.

Pediatric EKGs Workshop

4:50pm – 5:40pm

Session Description: Learners will review 15 Pediatric EKGs that have been selected to educate the community or academic EM physician who primarily sees adults…but also sees pediatric patients. The EKGs will have detailed explanations of the findings and pitfalls in interpretation on the reverse side of the EKG.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Awake Fiberoptic Intubation

9:00am – 9:45am

Session Description: Fiberoptic intubation is a frequently-discussed procedure, but is infrequently-performed and even more rarely practiced in controlled situations. We will provide a hands-on experience on how to properly select patients for a fiberoptic approach, preparing the patient, and how to intubate. We will also discuss how to troubleshoot and alternative techniques such as nasotracheal approaches and hybrid techniques. These will be conducted on high-fidelity manikins to provide a low-stress environment to gain experience with this procedure.

Vents 101

10:50am – 11:35am

Session Description: Ever wonder if that red light alarm was actually important? Or maybe the yellow light alarm? And the beeping? This session goes beyond “standard settings please” to explain each of the settings options, what they do, and when they are indicated and contraindicated. The session goes briefly over some of the more concerning alarms as well, and will conclude with troubleshooting vents with hands-on diagnostics and solutions. It is critical for the emergency physician to be able to address ventilator issues directly, and this is a refresher foundational course.