Common Sense Articles

Author Submission Form

Common Sense is an AAEM and AAEM/RSA member benefit. While non-members may submit articles, only members receive each issue. Learn more about AAEM membership here.

(As you'd like it to appear in print - ex: Andy Mayer, MD FAAEM)

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If you do not have a current (within the last year) copyright form on file with AAEM, please click here to fill one out.

I have an up-to-date copyright form on file with AAEM, certify I am the owner of this article and any graphics submitted with it, and give permissions for AAEM to use all files submitted today.*

Note: Authors are not notified for accepted submissions, only submissions which are not accepted. Submitted articles are published based on the issue deadlines. If articles are within 10 days of a deadline, they may still be included in the corresponding issue. Email with questions.