CME Secondary Application

General Information

The CME planning process is based on criteria of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the AAEM CME Mission Statement. This application will be considered for ACCME subcommittee review after completing this document. The deadline for completion of this form is 3 months prior to the date of the activity. For more information on the ACCME criteria, refer to the ACCME Essential Areas and their Elements.

If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Sommer, CME and Education Manager, at (800) 884-2236 or

If you are returning to complete an application that you've already started, please click here.

Activity Information

Date: April 19, 2024
Activity Contact:
Activity Title:
Activity Date(s):
Time (if live event):
Location (if live event):

At least one member of the planning committee must be an AAEM Member for at least five years prior to the date of this application.